First, I can’t believe I’ve gone this long without an update.
Second, I can’t believe it’s been THREE YEARS (and 8 days — missed my own anniversary, yikes) since I launched this website! I am so excited to be back on this site, and I am also excited to be excited to make art again.
The last time I caught up with you all, I was a month into my graduate school journey for my M.Ed.; for a quick update on that, I have changed my degree from an M.Ed. in Elementary Education to an M.Ed. in 6-12 English Language Arts, and I will resume classes in March. As a follow-up, I will no longer be making posts on this website pertaining to my personal life. While I am sure it will creep into some blog posts as an aside, I do not want to make entire posts dedicated to catching everyone up on what is going on outside of my art, as that is not the focus of this site or this blog.
An update I DO want to give is that, in addition to continuing with my Polaroid, film, and digital photography, I will be sharing more of my alternative photography and non-photograph art with you all this year. Over the past two years, I have gotten into doing denim painting as a form of art, and I also want to dip my toes back into doing cyanotypes, drawings, and other types of art that I have not done since college and sincerely miss doing. I have also taken to/rekindled my relationship with a variety of musical instruments — such as the clarinet, guitar, ukulele, and keyboard — over the past year, and I would like to integrate those into this website as another form of artistic expression, as music has always been something that I am passionate about and that drives me to create.
Hand-painted-by-me jeans that I wore to an art show last summer
I am excited about this possibilities this new year brings, and I can’t wait to bring you all with me on this journey. As always, if you have any suggestions for things you would like to see, let me know and I’ll try to make it happen.
Until next time,
— Kelsey